Friday, January 14, 2011

Chronicles of Narnia

These books were written by a wonderful, Christian, English man named C.S. Louis. He wrote 7 books in all.He wrote them out of order, but this is the time line order: The Magician's Nephew, The Lion,The Which and the Wardrobe ( his first book) The horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The voyage of the Dawn Treader ( I'm reading now), The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle. They're all about (except for The Magician's Nephew and The Horse and His Boy) four children: (youngest-oldest) Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter Pevensie. They have lots of adventures in Narnia, and they meet new and different characters in these books like, Aslan, Caspian, and Reepicheep. Find all about the Pevensies and their friends in The Chonicles of Narnia!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goddess Girls: Aphrodite the Beauty

Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She has to help a mortal named Hippomenens who is in love with another mortal named Atalanta who is the fastest person who ever walked the planet. Since he is in love with her, to marry her he must enter a race with her, if he loses he will be put to death, but if he wins he will b allowed to marry her. While she's dealing with that, she had a big argument with her best friend Athena, who Aphrodite thinks is stealing her crush, Ares the god of war.

Can Aphrodite help Hippomenes? Will Aphrodite get over her jelousey? Find out in the Goddess Girls book: Aphrodite the Beauty!!!!